The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E9

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”

It was almost 10pm when I got to Faraji’s house. I didn’t bother to drive in because I didn’t plan to stay too long. The gateman was sitting outside so I didn’t to knock for him to open the gate. He excused himself from the small group he was sitting with and came to open the gate for me. (more…)

The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E7

The girls and I had settled in and were making our orders when Derin shouted Faraji’s name. I was wondering why she was calling his name till I turned around and saw him walking towards our table. I was extremely surprised because he didn’t say he was going to be here tonight. What am I even saying? We hadn’t talked the entire day so how could he have told me? (more…)

The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E6

“Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.I was still recovering from the news of Wangi’s marriage when she excused herself and went outside to make a phone call. I was glad that she was giving me a little space because I was still trying to recover from the lie I had told. I told Wangi that there was nothing serious going on between I and a woman I had almost proposed to a day before. (more…)

The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E4.

“Protecting yourself from the bluesy is like protecting yourself from the bliss.”

I strolled into the office the next day feeling like a queen. All was right with the world, my man was the best man alive and the way he loved me was even better. I was very sure that wedding bells would be ringing for us soon, seeing as we couldn’t stay away from each other. (more…)

The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E3

“A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried.”

The vibration of my phone next to my ear prompted me to take a look at my phone screen. I told Derin to hold on as I checked. It was a message from Lenka. It read,
‘Hey bebe, I hope you got home safely. I just wanted to thank you for tonight. You’re such an amazing man and the little things you do for me is what makes you the best. I love you and even forever is not enough to show you how much. Good night bebe.’ (more…)

The Lagos Side Chick- S2E22

I quickly ran up the stairs and forced my door open. I walked in and sat on my bed. There was no time to think, I had to do something and fast. Since Sophie and Demilade were out, the coast was clear to seduce Babatunde, but how was I going to do it? It’s not like the man and I were friends so seducing him wouldn’t be that easy. (more…)

The Magic of Bliss and Bluesy- S1E2

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”

“Good night bebe.” Lenka smiled as she blew kisses at me.

I looked at her and smiled till she walked into her house. She still had no idea what had happened that night. To her, her boyfriend was still the sweetest man on earth and he loved her with his whole heart but that was far from the truth. Well it wasn’t, till some two hours ago. (more…)