Demilade was standing just outside the door. We all froze on the spot as he looked from one person to the other. (more…)
The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E1
“Out of the bliss comes magic, wonderment and creativity.”
On a beautiful Sunday night, I drove Lenka, the love of my life, to Radisson Blu Hotel, Ikeja. I planned to propose that night. Lenka, my half Nigerian, half Kenyan girlfriend had being a wonderful person, a praying and hardworking woman, one any man would never want to lose. She looked as beautiful as ever, with her hair pulled back, her beautiful face was very radiant and her orange dress accentuated every curve on her body. (more…)
I Wrote A Book!
“I’m going to write a book.” I said to Tolu.
She turned and stared at me like I was speaking Greek. I’m sure she thought I was joking as usual.
This morning, I sent her the preview copy of my book and she went wild,
“You did it!” She said excitedly. (more…)
The Lagos Side Chick- S2E20
The bed was legit shaking and Sophie was moaning so loudly that if the room wasn’t sound proof, the whole house would have heard her reaching orgasm. I stood at the door and stared at Sophie and her lover for a few seconds. (more…)
The Lagos Side Chick- S2E19
“Can I come in?” He asked me.
I was standing in front of my room door and preventing him from entering. I looked at him from head to toe with mockery in my eyes.
“You want to finally throw my things out?” I asked him.
“Oh please, of what use would that be? I just want to talk.”
The Lagos Side Chick- S2E18
I rang the bell at the gate a few times before someone finally came to open the gate. I was about to walk in when the security guard walked out and shut the gate behind him. I was confused, is it that he didn’t recognize me? I highly doubted it because he was the same person that opened the gate for me the previous night. So what was his problem now? (more…)
The Lagos Side Chick- S2E17
“No no, it’s fine, I just didn’t think Fowi was going to start hanging out with someone like Naya.” He said.
“Someone like Naya?” Fowi gave a puzzled look.
“Well, someone who is way out of your league, you know class and all.” Lade said. (more…)
Hello Fear.
I know I have been the most inconsistent blogger in the world and that I promise and fail every single time, I’m super sorry about it and I would try to improve. Thank you very much for staying glued to the blog, I really appreciate it.
The Lagos Side Chick- S2E16
“Lade’s mother is a very good woman sha, God bless her.” I said.
“Who told you my brother’s name?” She turned and asked me.
Ghen ghen, I don enter, my mother had once said that my basket mouth will land me in trouble one day and now, the day had come.
Where will I start the explanation from biko? What will I say? (more…)
The Lagos Side Chick- S2E15
The journey to the office was a short one because the roads were as free as air. Till today, I don’t understand how there is hardly any traffic on the roads in Abuja. I mean look at Lagos, there’s always traffic, almost every time and most of the time, it’s because one mumu refused to wait for his turn to move, he will now chuk head inside road and cause hold up. So is it that there were no impatient people in Abuja or what exactly? I digress. (more…)