Category: The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy

The Magic Of Bliss and Bluesy- S1E17 (Season Finale)

“Ope o! You finally put her in her place.” Derin was ecstatic.

I had told him all that had happened that night, except for the part where she seduced me and drove me crazy to the extent of straffing her. I changed the narrative and told him that I had gotten to hers, met her in lingerie, fought hard and resisted the temptation by telling her that I had a fiancee whom I loved so much and wasn’t ready to lose her. More Tea

The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E13

I woke up to the loud ring of my phone that morning and rolling my eyes, I silently cursed the person who was waking me up so early, especially when the sleep was entering gear five. It had rained throughout the night and the clouds were still dark, definitely heavy with more rain. I loved mornings like this because I had the chance to sleep in for much longer. Actually, there was no difference, it’s not like I ever had to wake up early for anything anyway.

Then Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E12

The air conditioner was blowing at a cold sixteen degrees but heavy beads of sweat dropped down my face immediately Lenka demanded for an explanation. Had my bubble already burst? Did she hear me talking to Wangi? What was she going to say? Was she going to get furious and cancel our engagement? In truth, that would be a relief for me because everything was happening so fast. (more…)

The Magic Of Bliss And Bluesy- S1E9

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”

It was almost 10pm when I got to Faraji’s house. I didn’t bother to drive in because I didn’t plan to stay too long. The gateman was sitting outside so I didn’t to knock for him to open the gate. He excused himself from the small group he was sitting with and came to open the gate for me. (more…)